Sub-genre – CIVIL WAR

the ReproBate saga
Books I – XVII

An historically accurate fictional series about the life and times of a Confederate blockade runner, his ship, his life and his love.

Best Civil War Novels by
S.L. Kotar and J. E. Gessler

NOTE- Books titles and images are links to more details.

Book I Beneath the Rose

the ReproBate saga Book 1: Beneath the Rose by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 1: Beneath the Rose by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Confederate blockade runner, gambler and captain, Rudy Blake finds danger, intrigue, conspiracy and romance in this near fatal adventure.

Book II skull and cRossBones

the ReproBate saga Book 2: skull and cRoss Bones by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 2: skull and cRoss Bones by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Confederate blockade runners, Rudy and Rose, sail for England. The voyage offers opportunity for teaching shipcraft, armament and the nuances of sailing.





Book III Redefining Bastions

the ReproBate saga Book 3: Redefining Bastions by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 3: Redefining Bastions by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Civil War Captain of the blockade schooner ReproBate returns to the war torn South. While there he has an adventure filled flashback with tragic consequences.

Book IV thickeR than Blood  

he ReproBate saga Book 4: thickeR than Blood by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
he ReproBate saga Book 4: thickeR than Blood by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

An historically accurate adventure spanning British High Society, sailing across the Atlantic, safely evading a coastal blockade in war torn South, then back again to England.





Book V: prioR Battles

he ReproBate saga Book 5: prioR Battles by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
he ReproBate saga Book 5: prioR Battles by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

This historically accurate flashback, carries hope and expectation, misery and failure; a sea voyage and the birth of San Francisco; a friend, many enemies and a story that left scars physically and mentally, for life.




Book VI : Requited Blasphemy

the ReproBate saga Book 6: Requited Blasphemy by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 6: Requited Blasphemy by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

The historical fiction novel begins as the Federal Army was on Atlanta ‘s doorstep. The sights of war everywhere were too much for the blockade runner to remain neutral any longer.





Book VII: the waR Between

the ReproBate saga Book 7:the waR Between by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 7:the waR Between by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Historically accurate fiction brings the first taste of what war really means: deprivation, fear, loss, death and a despair deeper than any ever experienced. Without prospects of hope, and little more chance of staying alive, Private Blake waits out the end of the terrible and tragic War Between the States.



Book VIII:  to Richmond or Bust 

the ReproBate saga Book 8: to Richmond or Bust by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 8: to Richmond or Bust by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Accurate Historical fiction. Rudy joined the Confederate army to die but he did not. After the final degradation of surrender, Rudy prepares himself for the greatest and most perilous journey of his life: across the Atlantic to England and Rose Theodore.




Book IX : carRying Battlescars 

the ReproBate saga Book 9: carRying Battlescars by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 9: carRying Battlescars by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler



Accurate historical fiction The Civil War had broken the man both physically and mentally. If he was to live again, his body and mind must be healed.



Book X: RamBlings

the ReproBate saga Book 10: RamBlings by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 10: RamBlings by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Historical fiction. This novel brings the dangerous life as a gambler card shark on Mississippi river steamers in all its glory and grime.





Book XI     Retrieving Ballast

the ReproBate saga Book 11: Retrieving Ballast by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 11: Retrieving Ballast by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler

Pre-Civil War historical fiction of life as a riverboat gambler, complex friendships and transformation from seaman to man about town.






 Book XII : captain’s  RB

the ReproBate saga Book 12: captains RB by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 12: captains RB by: S.L. Kotar and J.E. Gessler

Historical Fiction. A sea adventure begun to heal a broken man, turns instead to a epic disaster which falls to Rose to either save or die.






Book XIII: wondeRous Backdrops

the ReproBate saga Book 13: wondeRous Backdrops by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 13: wondeRous Backdrops by: S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Historical fiction. Return for a fresh start to the post Civil War South, where reconstruction had not gone the way either had hoped.






Book XIV: ReproBate  

the ReproBate saga Book 14: ReproBate by S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book 14: ReproBate by S.L. Kotar / J.E. Gessler

Historical fiction. Post Civil War Charleston was under Federal martial law, creating unlikely friends plotting against a common enemy, with life or death consequences.





time and tRouBle: Book 15

the ReproBate saga Book XV: time and tRouBle by: Kotar/Gessler
the ReproBate saga Book XV: time and tRouBle by: Kotar/Gessler

Historical fiction. A turn of events releases Rudy from certain execution, leaving the door open to begin fleecing those eager for the old South to return.





Book XVI The Road Back

the ReproBate saga Book XVI: The Road Back by: Kotar/Gessler
the ReproBate saga
Book XVI:
The Road Back
by: Kotar/Gessler

Historical fiction novel. This is Rose’s story from childhood in Manhattan, to the theatre district, and so much more. She comes to the end of it with one realization: this time, she did not travel alone.





Book XVII  oveR the Brink

the ReproBate saga Book XVII: oveR the Brink by: Kotar/Gessler
the ReproBate saga
Book XVII:
oveR the Brink
by: Kotar/Gessler

Historical Fiction novel. Rudy and Rose relive their past while recovering from injuries, before starting a new journey.